실생활에  자주 사용하는,



(여기에 올리는 이디엄들은, 영어권의 아이들이 보는 책들중, 자주 사용되는 것들 위주로 올렸습니다)




의미   용례
 Birds of a feather flock together.

 비슷한 취미나 흥미를 가진

 친구들끼리 모인다.

All my friends like to go hiking. I guess we are birds of a feather, flocking together!

 Black sheep of the family.

 집안에서 가장 말썽을 피우는


David is the black sheep of his family when it comes to studying.

 Raining cats and dogs.

 폭우가 쏟아지는 것.

All the children cannot go out to play today because it is raining cats and dogs.

 Kill two birds with one stone.

 한번의 행동으로 두가지 이익을 얻게 되는 것.  

Ivan is a smart boy. He goes to the park to read and watch the children play. He kills two birds with one stone. 

 Catch someone red-handed.

나쁜짓을 하는 사람을 잡다. 

Jeremy was caught red handed when he tried stealing some cookies from the jar. 

 True blue.

충성스러운, 신뢰가 깊은. 

 Uncle Gerald's dog fought off the wolves and protected him. A dog is always true blue to the end.

 Cool as a cucumber.

왠만한 일엔 신경쓰지 않는, 아주 침착한. 

 Even thought Barry is scared of acting in front of a crowd, today he was cool as a cucumber on stage.

 In a pickle.

곤란에 빠진. 

Not only did the boys not win the game, they lost all their gear, too. They sure are in a pickle! 






Posted by eriny